53 Saxon Road
Sandhurst, Sandton

+27 11 217 7530

Refractive Conditions


Myopia is more commonly known as nearsightedness. Myopia occurs when light rays that enter the unaccommodating eye fall in front of the retina as opposed to on the retina thereby resulting in blurry distance vision. Patients may complain about headaches, eyestrain and squinting. Myopia can be treated with spectacles, contact lenses and refractive surgery.


Hyperopia occurs when light rays entering the unaccommodating eye fall behind the retina as opposed to on the retina. Depending on the amount of hyperopia patients will have blurred distance and or near vision. Patients may complain of headaches and tired eyes.


Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens is irregularly shaped thus light rays focus entering into the eye do not form a focused image on the retina. Depending on the degree of astigmatism patients may complain of blurry vision, fatigue and headaches. Astigmatism can be treated with spectacles, contact lenses and refractive surgery.


Presbyopia is a natural aging process due to the hardening of the crystalline lens. The ability to focus on near objects becomes progressively difficult. Patient’s will more than likely complain of their arms being too short, blurred vision when reading books especially in dim lighting and looking at their cellphones. Presbyopia can be treated with spectacles, contact lenses and refractive surgery.

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